Call Connector

novomind iAGENT uses the Call Connector App to route incoming calls to available agents.
The skills (skill-based routing) and workload of the agents are taken into account. In addition, novomind iAGENT attempts to route callers to agents with whom they have already had contact (privileged routing) to provide a more personalized service. The agents selected by the routing process can answer the calls via the novomind iAGENT Desk interface and log important information in so called “phone tickets” during and after the call.
The supervisor gains insight into the call backlog as well as extensive monitoring and reporting functions that provide detailed information on call activities. The data can then be evaluated for strategic decisions or used for real-time monitoring of the service level.

Furthermore, the Call Connector App can be used to control agent access to call recordings. The access restriction ensures a high level of data protection and the recordings can be played back and/or downloaded in the “advanced search” of the novomind iAGENT Desk by the agent.

The recording is played back directly in the browser and no additional player is required.

Call recordings are useful, for example, to support agent coaching or when you need to meet your documentation obligations.