Howto – Create Incoming Account


Inbound accounts are designed to, among other things, retrieve external mail accounts, fetch the mails they contain in iAGENT, and transfer them to the backlog. Inbound accounts are also used to retrieve asynchronous social media content. These then enter the system like mails and are distributed through the backlog.

Clicking the New button opens the editing dialog for creating a new inbox account.


  • The name is free to choose.
  • The email address is usually the address through which the mails are received in this inbox account, or the address to which the customers have sent their mail.
  • The channel is email by default and can be changed to all channels defined in the system in the Mail module (asynchronous processing). These include email, letter, fax and SMS (deprecated) by default. However, it would be conceivable for apps to bring other channels in the Mail module, which can then be selected here (e.g. Facebook posts).
  • The protocol used to fetch requests from the message source is is e.g. POP3 or IMAP for mail, but there may be others depending on the selected channel.
  • Weighting (Incoming) specifies the maximum number of messages fetched from this account in one step within a fetch cycle that runs across all system and inbox accounts. Default is 3 from each account.
  • Weighting (Outgoing) specifies the maximum number of messages sent from this account in one step within a pickup cycle that runs across all system and inbound accounts. Default is 3 from each account.
  • Tenant specifies the tenant to which this system account explicitly applies. This setting is not visible for the first two main accounts, as they are general and apply to all tenants unless they have defined their own additional system accounts.
  • If mails are received via this account, but are to be sent via another account, e.g. with a different email address, the existing alternative incoming account can be selected under Reply account. This setting is useful if Do not allow reply below is activated.
  • Reply address offers the optional possibility to reply with the same mail account as well, but with a different sender email address.
  • Alternative reply addresses: If the agent should be able to change the sender email address, the various email addresses can be maintained here.
    The (mail) account should also be authorized to send using these alternate email addresses, otherwise the mail server may refuse to send messages using this mail account with the alternate email address.
  • Do not allow reply: If this is checked, then no agent can send mail through this inbox account. The agent must now select a different account on the draft reply, or it will default to the reply account selected here in the Reply Account field.
  • Index documents for full text search: This can be used to control whether the contents of mails that enter the system via this inbox account can also be searched for content. You deactivate this e.g. if you have a separate inbox account for junk mails or so. If disabled, no agent can find these mails via content search.

Custom settings

My settings can usually be ignored. Some apps store the information they need here.


Depending on the selected protocol, at least one more tab with the protocol name appears. The required information relating to the protocol is entered on this tab.