WhatsApp® Connector App

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The novomind WhatsApp Messagenger Connector App enables you to use the popular and widespread WhatsApp messenger for the communication with your customers.

Besides sending messages and files (image, video, audio etc.) you can even use prepared templates with customized links and controls like buttons (YES/NO, Cancel, Call phone number) and the like.

It is also possible to have a chatbot answer your customers’ inquiries – for instance after business hours or as a first level response before handing over to a human operator.

With the Facebook Commerce Manager WhatsApp becomes a mobile online shop: you can send product catalogues or promotional items, they can right put them onto their wishlist or into their basket and start the checkout process.

Things you can do using WhatsApp®

Whatsapp Chat
Chatting with Customers
Product and Basket
Mobile Commerce
Sample Template from your dentist
Interactive mailings