Practical Instructions : Step by step chat processing

All steps from login to logout which must be carried out in a chat are shown below:

  1. Login in at novomind iAGENT Chat
  2. Wait for a chat signal
  3. Optional upon receipt of a signal: Edit email and save as draft
  4. Accept chat
  5. Send welcome message
  6. Chat
  7. Optional: Using text and pushlinks
  8. Optional: Forwarding the chat to another iAGENT Chat user
  9. Conclude chat
  10. Alternatively: Block customer or customer ends chat
  11. Optional: Print or save chat history
  12. Conclude chat
  13. Optional: Choose transaction code for the process
  14. Optional: Logout from the novomind iAGENT Chat
  15. Process open chats
  16. Conclude chats
  17. Close chat
  18. Logout from novomind iAGENT Desk

With appropriate system configuration customers can provide ratings via both email and chat. Ratings are scores on a scale from 0 to 10 and may include an optional free-text comment. Chat rating will be fully handled by the chat frontend and does not require any further agent intervention. Configuration allows up to five ratings as well as up to five optional free text comments.