Messenger Chats

Messenger chats (e.g. via WhatsApp) can be held via a special connector app in the chat module. Messenger Chats thus will be routed like live chats. Even when a customer writes a message out of the business hours, the chat will be signalized when the agents log in on the beginning of the next business hours. Messenger chats may be closed every time by the agent. It will be reactivated every time the same customer writes a new message.

All their communication history can be seen in the chat history, so that every agent has full transparency about the past communication.

Chatbot on Messenger Dialogues

Because it is now possible to use a chatbot for responding inbound Messenger messages (e.g. WhatsApp), you may receive a Messenger dialogue in your Chat module which a chatbot handed over to you to be manually responded.

Messenger: Show the read-status in Chat mode

The agent can recognize the different states of the sent messages (to the contact). They are:

  • Received and read (two green checkmarks)
  • Sent and received but not read (two gray checkmarks)
  • Sent but not received (one gray checkmark)
  • Delayed transfer (clock symbol) – nothing has to be done, the system tries to send this message again. The contact will receive this message later.
  • Sending error (red exclamation mark) – The message could not be sent out permanently. The contact will not receive this message.

Picture size in chat-history

The view of pictures will be scaled down to a maximum size of 400px width or height – to ensure a clean view in the chat history

Resubmit for Messenger-Chats

For messenger chats it is now possible to use the resubmit functionality. These pending resubmissions may be seen in the supervisor chat backlog and can be reactivated there through the actions button.

Support for stickers in Messenger Chats

Stickers which have been sent by the contact to the agent will now be displayed in the messenger chat within the iAGENT Desk. Sending stickers is still not possible. Exception: Microsoft Internetexplorer 11 (IE11), which is not supported anymore, is technically not able to display the sticker’s graphical format (webp).

Chat Button Block can be hidden per user configuration

If a user should not be able to use the Block button in the iAGENT Desk, this can be hidden globally or per user (up to versions 12.14; as of version 12.15, the Block button is only visible for live chats).