New Process

A message can be created and sent by the agents via the New process button. A new process can be created without interrupting the processing of the currently selected customer mail or saving it manually.

After clicking the button, the editor view for new processes opens. All editor functions (as described in chapter Editor) are available to the agent here. In addition, the new process can be assigned to an existing one. For this purpose, there is the input field Process ID to the right of the subject. The system checks whether the number entered is a valid process ID; if this is not the case, a message is displayed.
Unlike responses to customer inquiries, at least the recipient must be entered manually in the header area for new processes. All other necessary settings in the header area (Category, Reply channel, Template and Reply address) are filled automatically under certain conditions:

Category: The first new process after logging in to the agent interface does not preassign a category. It must be selected manually from the corresponding drop-down menu. Text modules are displayed to match the selected category. For subsequent new operations, the category setting of the last new operation is always adopted.
If an agent is exclusively assigned categories in which no new operation may be created, the agent will receive the warning “No categories available” when clicking the New Process button.

Channel: For the first new task after logging in to the agent interface, the default value selected by the supervisor is preset. For further new processes, the last selected value is always used.

Template: For the first new operation after logging on to the agent interface, the template new or – if available – new_<category name> is preset. An alternative template can be selected by the agent using the corresponding drop-down menu. Unlike responses to customer queries, the template does not change when a category is changed. For further new processes, the last selected template is always preset.
If the agent selects a category for which no category template exists but a tenant template does, the system uses the tenant template when creating a new process. If a category template exists, the agent can select the tenant template using the template selection in the response editor. It is irrelevant whether the tenant template is assigned to one or more categories. If neither a category template nor a tenant template exists, the system uses the default template (new.txt/new.hmtl) for new processes.
If the agent does not select a category, the system presets the tenant template only in case the agent is exclusively assigned to this one tenant. Otherwise, the system uses the default template for new operations.

Reply address: A template can preset most of the header values – including the recipient’s address. If the new or manually selected template defines a response address, it will be set automatically. Otherwise, the response address is selected manually. Again, the value of the last new operation is taken.
If a template of the type Reply proposal uses the presetting of the recipient’s address, this only has an effect for incoming emails and for new processes. In the case of incoming emails, the recipient address specified in the template is preset and can then be changed manually if required. In the case of a manual template change, the value specified in the template no longer has any effect.
In the “New process”, the recipient address specified in the template is adopted when the template is selected, provided that the recipient address has not yet been filled manually. If the agent has already entered the recipient address manually, the value specified in the template no longer has any effect.

The selection of the drop-down menus can be done via shortcut: Templates -> [CTRL] + [M], Reply address -> [CTRL] + [L], Category -> [CTRL] + [R]. With CursorDown the first list entry can be selected and accepted with Enter. Via [ESC] the dropdown menu can be closed again without making a selection.

 If it is not possible to fill in To, CC or BCC, an email address is set in the supervisor for test operation. In this case, please contact your novomind iAGENT supervisor.

The new process button bar

A new process is created by clicking one of the three buttons Create and send, Create and keep or Create and close. It is then known to the system and will be referenced by a mail-ID. Closing the new process with Cancel will not register the process in the system.

To send a new process or close it right away, all mandatory fields in the header area must be filled – To, Category and Reply-to address.

  • Create and send: A process is created, mailed and finalized. The sent mail is in the Sent folder of the respective agent.
     If the Without response option is activated in the selected category, the Create+send button is hidden.
  • Create and keep: A new process with the entered information is created and is preferably allocated to the user creating it and thus put in their personal inbox. If the user who has created the process logs off without dealing with the mail, it will be returned into the queue for the automated routing process
  • Create and close: A process is created and closed without being sent to the recipient. The successful execution of this action is confirmed with a confirmation notice that also contains the process ID.
  • Create and enqueue: Depending on system configuration, agents can transfer new processes to automatic routing once they have been created. This can be done by means of the Create and enqueue button.
    In contrast to the Create and edit feature, the agent who created the process will not be given routing precedence.

For more details on appropriate settings, please contact your novomind project lead.

Clicking the Maximize/Minimize button will display the mail info area with e.g. the CRM panel and the journey tab in the new process editor view. Another click on that button will hide the area again.

Maximum number of new processes and preassigned values

By default, agents can process 10 new processes (or telephone tickets) at a time (as of version 12.4; one new process at a time by default in earlier versions). These are then displayed in multiple tabs and can be accessed with a click. The agent.newProcess.quickCase.maxCount key can be used to adjust the maximum number of concurrent processes via system parameters in the supervisor.

However, preassigning a new process with the values of the previously processed process is not available when working on several processes in parallel. For this purpose, the value must be set to 1.

Since a telephone ticket is technically also a new process, no new phone ticket will open for an incoming call if an agent is already processing a new process and only one new process is possible at a time.

Please contact your novomind project lead for further details.