
Document Purpose

This document describes how the novomind iAGENT Desk is used. The novomind iAGENT Desk is the web-based customer software which can be implemented as part of the novomind iAGENT response management system.

The novomind iAGENT Desk supports the customer communication across all relevant channels like Email, Fax, Letter, SMS, Social Media, Live Chat, Messenger Chat and Call.

novomind iAGENT Chat as an additional product module of novomind iAGENT extends the communication possibilities with the channel Live Chat / Messenger Chat. There is a separate user manual for novomind iAGENT Chat. With the yet additional module novomind iAGENT Call it is also possible to organize, route and track customer telephone conversations via the novomind iAGENT.

Single customer messages in the asynchroneous formats like email, fax, letter, Facebook message, Twitter Tweet or text messages will be commonly called mail or message hereafter.

For questions regarding installation or configuration of novomind iAGENT please refer to the separate installation guide and the supervisor manual.

Legal Principles

The licensee is provided with simple, unlimited (in terms of time), non-exclusive and non-transferable user rights for the available novomind iAGENT contract software in accordance with the terms of the software license agreement.

The software is protected by international copyright. Any unauthorized person or persons copying or using the software or any part thereof is liable to prosecution. Unauthorised copying or usage of the software or any part thereof by unauthorized persons will be pursued in both the penal and civil courts.

The usage of the available software will be monitored. The software provides the owner of the exclusive rights to the novomind iAGENT Desk software with the required information.

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