Keyboard Shortcuts

The novomind iAGENT Desk can be navigated and controlled using both the mouse and the computer keyboard. For each novomind iAGENT Desk working window, a number of keyboard shortcuts are available. Some keyboard shortcuts are browser-dependent. These cases are marked explicitly.

Shortcuts for the entire novomind iAGENT Desk

Key combination Function
[ALT] + [1] The folder list is now the active window (Not available in Firefox or Google Chrome)
[ALT] + [2] The window containing listed mails is now the active window (Not available in Firefox or Google Chrome)
[ALT] + [3] The info window is now the active window (Not available in Firefox or Google Chrome)
[ALT] + [4] The mail editor is now the active window (Not available in Firefox or Google Chrome)
[CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [R] Refreshes the page
[CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [L] Logoff
[CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [B] Break
[CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [P] Manual retrieval
[CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [M] Create a new process
[CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [S] Search
[CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [H] Opens the question mark menu at the top on the right-hand side
[CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [O] Opens a new memo for the selected mail
[CTRL] + [A] Highlights the whole content of the selected window

Shortcuts in the Folders window

Key Combination Function
[UP]/[DOWN] Switches from one folder to another
[RIGHT] Opens the selected folder
[LEFT] Closes the selected folder

Shortcuts in the window containing listed mails

Key combination Function
[UP] Switches to the mail located above the open mail
[DOWN] Switches to the mail located below the open mail

Shortcuts in the Info window – general

Key combination Function
[RIGHT] Switches to the tab to the right of the selected tab
[LEFT] Switches to the tab to the left of the selected tab
[E] Opens the email tab if this is available. If this tab has already been marked, then change over to “Fax” tab
[F] Opens the Fax tab if this is available. If you are on the fax tab, then use this shortcut to change over to the “mail” tab
[I] Opens the Info tab
[C] Opens the CRM tab
[O] Opens the Course tab.
[M] Opens the Memo tab.
[H] Opens the History tab
[S] Opens the Source tab (if available)
[CTRL] + [D] Opens the resubmission dialog for the opened mail
[CTRL] + [R] Opens the recategorization dialog
[CTRL] + [I] Opens the dialog for internal forwarding
[CTRL] + [Q] Closes the process without replying

The keys can be used to navigate the tabs until a tab has been selected.

Shortcuts in the Info window – Email tab

Key combination Function
[CTRL] + [E] Opens the current mail in a new window
[ESC] Closes the separate window containing the open mail
[CTRL] + [K] Shows/hides the header for the open mail
[CTRL] + [P] Prints the selected mail
[CTRL] + [5] Displays a list of mail attachments (if available)

Shortcuts in the Info window – Fax/Letter tab (Fax-Viewer)

Since the Webcustomer (novomind iAGENT Desk) generally has various shortcuts, the shortcuts listed here only function in this form if the Fax Viewer window was previously activated via the Webcustomer by way of the generally valid shortcut [ALT] + [3].

[CTRL] + [L] Ruler
[CTRL] + [U] Maximize
[CTRL] + [J] Zoom out
[CTRL] + [K] Zoom in
[CTRL] + [M] Maximize to page width
[CTRL] + [,] Turn left
[CTRL] + [.] Turn right
[CTRL] + [PgUp] Page back
[CTRL] + [PgDown] Page forward
[CTRL] + [Up] Ruler up
[CTRL] + [Down] Ruler down
[CTRL] + [Q] Close mail without response
[CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [U] Fades the response area (bottom right) in or out

Shortcuts in the Info window – Source tab

Key combination Function
[CTRL] + [P] Prints the contents of the Source view

Shortcuts in the Info window – Info tab

Key combination Function
[CTRL] + [P] Prints the info data currently displayed
[CTRL] + [R] Opens the dialog for re-categorisation
[CTRL] + [I] Opens the dialog for forwarding the mail
[CTRL] + [Q] Closes the process without a response

Shortcuts in the Info window – CRM tab

Key combination Function
[CTRL] + [P] Prints the CRM data currently displayed

Shortcuts in the Info window – Course tab

Key combination Function
[CTRL] + [P] Prints the course data currently displayed

Shortcuts in the Info window – Memo tab

Key combination Function
[CTRL] + [E] Opens a new memo
[CTRL] + [S] Saves a new memo
[CTRL] + [P] Prints the course data currently displayed

Shortcuts in the Info window – History tab

Key combination Function
[CTRL] + [P] Prints the history data currently displayed

Shortcuts in the Editor

Key combination Function
[CTRL] + [1] Opens the mail recipient input field
[CTRL] + [S] Send and Close: dispatches and closes the open mail
[CTRL] + [J] Send as intermediate reply
[CTRL] + [G] Places opened response mail in Release, even if “Release Check Necessary” has not been set for the category or the agent
[CTRL] + [Q] Closes the open mail (“Close”)
[CTRL] + [7] Opens the channel drop-down menu
[CTRL] + [D] Opens the resubmission dialog box for the open mail
[CTRL] + [I] Opens the internal forward dialog box for the open mail
[CTRL] + [E] Opens the external forward dialog box for the open mail
[CTRL] + [F] Opens the external inquiry dialog box for the open mail
[CTRL] + [R] Opens the re-categorisation dialog box for the open mail
[CTRL] + [K] Shows/hides the header for the open mail
[CTRL] + [3] Opens the BCC recipient input field
[F7] Opens the spell check
[CTRL] + [5] Opens the dialog box to enable attachments to be added
[CTRL] + [4] Sets focus on the subject line
[CTRL] + [N] Opens the input field for the reply-to address
[CTRL] + [M] Opens the input field for the reply template
[CTRL] + [Z] Reverts the last change to the text of the email (e.g. inserting a text module)
[CTRL] + [Y] Restore the state before the last Control + z (‘undo’)
[CTRL] + [X] Cut out the selected text
[CTRL] + [C] Copies the selected text
[CTRL] + [V] Paste the text from the clipboard (e.g. after Control + x or Control c) to the current position
[CTRL] + [P] Prints view in reply area
[CTRL] + [8] New process: ‘Create + Keep’
[CTRL] + [Q] New process: ‘Create + Close’
[CTRL] + [D] New process: ‘Cancel’
[ESC] Closes the current dialog box without saving changes
[CTRL] + [INSERT] Copy
[SHIFT] + [INSERT] Paste
[SHIFT] + [DEL] Cut

Shortcuts in the Editor – text modules

Key combination Function
[ALT] + First letter of the text module group Opens the selection list for the relevant text module group. If more than one group starts with a particular letter, the first one found will be selected. To select the second group, repeat the key combination, and so on.
[RIGHT]/[LEFT] Switches to the text module located toe the left/right of the selected group
[UP]/[DOWN] Switches to the text module located above/below the selected text module
[ENTER] Adds the text module to the mail according to where the cursor is currently positioned (exception: intelligent integration of greetings and signatures – see chapter Text modules).
Textmodule shortcut, then [CTRL] + [ENTER] Inserts the module text associated with the respective shortcut in the current cursor position.
[CTRL] + [U] Places the cursor in the search field for the text module search
[CTRL] + [H] Opens the input window for text module abbreviations search
[CTRL] + [B] Opens the text module wizard
[CTRL] + [TAB] Leave the editor window via Tab

Shortcuts in the Editor – External forward/inquiry

Keyboard Shortcut Function
[CTRL] + [K] Toggles the header display.
[CTRL] + [L] Opens the drop-down menu for the reply-to address.
[CTRL] + [Q] Opens the dialog for closing a process
This shortcut is disabled for external inquiries.
[CTRL] + [S] Forwards the mail and closes the process.
[CTRL] + [1] Opens the dialog for the “To” address.
[CTRL] + [2] (Configuration dependent) Opens the dialog for the “CC” address.
[CTRL] + [4] Highlights the content of the subject line.
[CTRL] + [5] Opens the attachment dialog.
[CTRL] + [7] Opens the drop-down menu for the reply channel.