

General contact information is displayed in this tab.

Linked contacts

Displays other contacts that are linked to this contact. Contacts can be linked not only automatically but also manually. There are buttons above the listing for this purpose. When adding contacts, a search dialog opens which can be used to select the contacts to be linked.

Contacts that have already been linked can also be unlinked from this contact. To do this, they are marked in the list with a check mark and removed again by clicking the Remove contact button (only the link between the contacts will be removed, no data will be deleted).

Determination and automatic merging of contacts

Basically, the selected contact option (e.g. email address) depending on the incoming channel, is used to searched for an existing contact with the same contact option in the same tenant (if available). This is then assigned or a new contact is created.

When searching for contacts, primary and secondary search criteria are used: For incoming calls, for example, the primary search criterion is the phone number, but secondary search criterion is the email address, which may have been previously found by a query of the external CRM system and returned to iAGENT.

For incoming WhatsApp messages, WhatsApp transmits a globally unique WhatsApp ID which also contains the phone number of the account. First, an existing contact with the same WhatsApp ID is searched for and if none exists, again a contact with that phone number is searched. If a contact is found, the WhatsApp ID is added to this contact and the incoming communication is linked to this contact, so that in the end a common Journey is automatically created via calls and WhatsApps of this contact.


The Journey shows all correspondence between iAGENT users and the contact. If multiple contacts have been linked, all correspondences of these linked contacts are displayed together in the Journey.

More details about the Journey

Individual settings

Custom settings are freely definable data fields that can be stored on the contact. Currently, they can only be filled by apps, a connection to a CRM system or the knowledge base when receiving a message. So this is a read-only view.