The CRM tab shows the properties of the query in the standard. These can, for example, be set automatically by the knowledge base via rules upon receipt or determined from third-party systems and saved there.
The data visible here can be automatically transferred into answer templates, whereby for example the salutation for the cover letter is gladly realized: Here, the knowledge base uses the sender’s first name to determine their gender and then compiles a suitable salutation such as “Dear Ms. Mustermann”.

If the data in the CRM fields is changed manually during the processing of an inquiry, the changes are not automatically transferred to the already completed draft response. Transferring changed CRM data to the draft response requires manually reloading the selected response template, but this will cause all previous customizations to be lost.

In past iAGENT versions (<iAGENT v10), this tab was happily customized to display information from third-party systems in real time without being copied by the knowledge base upon receipt. In current iAGENT versions, however, this tab tends to be hidden instead and replaced by a new tab that each iAGENT app can bring.