RoutingConf. agent parameters



Parameter Values Default Value
agent.allowChangeStatePerChannel true | false false
Set the routing status (Ready/Busy) for Mail/Chat/Call Mode independently and individually by the agent. After activating this feature, the option “Change status” can be set when configuring a user.
agent.allowedAttachments.image comma-separated list of file formats gif,jpg,jpeg,png,bmp,tif,tiff
Parameter for the permitted file formats for the Inline Attachment Dialog in the iMail Agent Editor. Comma-separated list with the file extensions.
agent.allowForwardToGroup true | false false
Configures forwarding to agent group at iAGENT Desk.
agent.allowPause true | false true
If the pause is to be deactivated globally, the parameter must be set to false. If the pause is to be enabled for individual agents, a user property must be created for the agent in the user administration with the key “allowPause” and value “true”.
agent.allowPullClearance true | false | strict false
Agents should be able to retrieve their own e-mails from the Authorizations-folder, as far as they are not yet located in the hands of an clearance authorized user. The agent is able to see the authorization-folder, even if he is not authorized to give clearances. He sees there only his own sent mails waiting for clearance acknowledge to be able to retrieve them and “send to clearance” again. From version If agent.allowPullClearance = strict is set, the agent is only allowed to pull mails out of the clearance for which he is the last agent by history.
agent.allowRecategorizeToAll true | false | mandator false
Recategorization by agents between unassigned tenants categories possible / configurable. false = between tenants (If the agent wants to recategorise a ticket, all categories of his clients are available to him)/true = between tenants and  between unassigned tenants ( If the agent wants to recategorise a ticket, all the categories visible to him are available)/mandator = neither nor (If the agent wants to recategorise a ticket, only categories of the tenant of the ticket are available to him )
agent.allowSwitchCategory true | false false
If this parameter is not set, the agent cannot change the default category for the (second) new operation.
agent.allowSwitchChannel true | false false
Configure possibility to change answer channel for agents (except default quick case). True: Agents are allowed to change channel. False: Agents are not allowed to change channel.


Parameter Values Default value
agent.attachments.maxCount number of attachments 5
Parameter for the Attachment Dialog in  iAGENT Desk. Maximum number of attachments that can be uploaded simultaneously.
agent.attachments.maxSize Value in bytes 20.000.000
Limitation of the maximum file size for attachment upload.
agent.attachments.zipDownload.minCount number of attachments 5
It is possible to download all attachments as a zip file if the number of attachments are equal or higher to the number given to this parameter.…

Parameter Values Default value
agent.autoLinkUrls true | false true
Cause automatic linking of URLs in HTML mode in the iAGENT Desk Editor. Can be overridden at tenants and agents.
agent.autoSwitchNotes true | false false
Automatic activation of the memo tab, if there are notes
agent.autoSwitchPdfPreview true | false false
Automatic activation of the inline preview in PDF mode.…

Parameter Values Default value true | false false
Allow starting a telephone ticket by clicking on the Call tab. true | false true
Shows / hides the Call tab.
agent.callRejectTime number of milliseconds 30000
After a reroute of a call, this call is blocked for the agent for x seconds and will not be reassigned to the agent by automatic routing. Can be overridden per user in the individual settings.


Parameter Values Default value
agent.cookies.expiry   30
Number of days to store the profile cookie (e.g. username on login mask)
agent.cookies.path String
Path to agent cookie


Parameter Values Default value
agent.display.closeProcessOnExternalForward true | false | TRUE | FALSE false
To preset the “Complete process” checkbox for external forwarding. The system remembers the last setting of the two checkboxes per agent persistent, i.e. for the duration of the session. If the agent has never used the dialog before, the initial value can be preset in Routing.conf, but can also be overridden for each client. If you want the value of the checkbox to be reset to a default value each time the agent logs on, and thus not to be persisted, the value (TRUE|FALSE) in Routing.conf must be in uppercase. This special function cannot be overridden for each client.
agent.display.keepProcessOnExternalForward true | false | TRUE | FALSE false
For preassigning the checkbox “Continue procedure” for external forwarding. The system remembers the last setting of the two checkboxes per agent persistent, i.e. for the duration of the session. If the agent has never used the dialog before, the initial value can be preset in Routing.conf, but can also be overridden for each client. If you want the value of the checkbox to be reset to a default value each time the agent logs on, and thus not to be persisted, the value (TRUE|FALSE) in Routing.conf must be in uppercase. This special function cannot be overridden for each client.
agent.display.servicelevel.debug true | false false
Can be set at the agent to illustrate the service level calculation in the inbox (agent then has a tooltip with further information about the service level of a ticket).
agent.display.showInfo true | false  
Specify whether the info tab is visible globally in iAGENT Desk.
agent.display.showInfoHeader true | false false
Expands the mail header in the Mail Agent Info area if set true. Can be overridden at the agent configuration.
agent.display.showMailHeader true | false false
Value true expands the header in the Mail Agent Editor so that BCC is visible by default. Can be overridden by the user configuration.
agent.display.source true | false true
Configure visibility of source button at iAGENT Desk’s e-mail tab.
agent.displayUserImages true | false  
Controls the visibility of user photos in iAgent (for example in notes or comments).


Parameter Values Default value
agent.folder.filterRoutable true | false false
If the filter is activated, only distributable mails are displayed in the folders Global and the category subfolders. Due resubmissions also apply to distribution-capable mails. This means that all other mails are hidden, including those that have already been distributed. This function is only provided in iAGENT Desk, not in the Supervisor. true | false false
The behavior depends on the user confirmation in conjunction with this parameter: Agent has manual routing + property is not set -> agent sees global inbox, agent can retrieve mails manually. Agent has manual routing + property is set -> agent does not see global inbox, agent can retrieve mails manually (only drafts, last edit, via FormatMailBody). Agent has no manual routing + property is not set -> agent does not see global inbox, agent cannot retrieve mails manually. Agent has no manual routing + property is set -> agent does not see global inbox, agent cannot retrieve mails manually.


Parameter Values Default value
The top line “History (Contact) …” is, like the other elements of the tree, customizable with placeholders. The RefID of the message and the properties of the contact can be used. For further details see agent.history parameter.
agent.history.enabled true | false true
Controls the Journey in addition to the old history, so that the Journey does not suddenly show up for agents who previously could not see any history (as before, this setting has no effect on the supervisor).
agent.history.reversed true | false true
Configure global sorting order for history. True: Reversed order. False: Ascending order.


Parameter Values Default value
agent.home.cache.timeout number in milliseconds 300000
The determined value for the agent statistics in the Home tab is cached for a definable period of time. Default is five minutes. 
agent.home.login.visible true | false false
Determines whether the Home tab should open automatically on login.
agent.home.statistics true | false true
Show (if set true) or hide the Agents Statistic on the Home tab.


Parameter Values Default value
The toolbar buttons of the TinyMCE editor in the mail mode are configurable. The functions offered, such as font and paragraph formatting in HTML, can thus be switched on and off. For concrete names and features see TinyMCE documentation. Attention: TinyMCE Editor consists of 2 lines, therefore there is the parameter with the number of the line (i.e. agent.html.toolbarItems1 for line 1 and agent.html.toolbarItems2 for line 2). Samples values: formatselect,fontselect,fontsizeselect,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,|,bullist,numlist,outdent,indent,|,forecolor,backcolor,mImage,mToggleToolbar2
The toolbar buttons of the TinyMCE editor in the mail mode are configurable. The functions offered, such as font and paragraph formatting in HTML, can thus be switched on and off. For concrete names and features see TinyMCE documentation. Attention: TinyMCE Editor consists of 2 lines, therefore there is the parameter with the number of the line (i.e. agent.html.toolbarItems1 for line 1 and agent.html.toolbarItems2 for line 2). Samples values: cut,copy,paste,|,search,replace,|,undo,redo,|,charmap,link,advhr,pagebreak,|,tablecontrols,|,mCleanup,code


Parameter Values Default value
agent.login.logo Path to image  
Specify a company logo for the login screen of the novomind iAGENT Desk. GIFs and PNGs are suitable for this purpose and should have up to 200 x 200 pixels. The formats GIF or PNG are recommended, because here the background can be made transparent. Value can be a file name (if image is located in the images directory of novomind iAGENT) or a relative or absulute path to the image.
agent.login.mandatorPreSelection true | false false
When set true, the agent can already select a tenant from the list of all tenants on the login screen. If he selects a tenant and is activated for this tenant, he will only see this tenant during the whole session or will be assigned tickets from this tenant. Even if it is assigned to several tenants.
agent.login.mandatorPreSelection.allowAll true | false true
If not set for a user, this user may log on for “all” tenants, provided the global parameter is not set to “false”. If the parameter is set to “false” for a user, the user must select a tenant when logging on. If a user who has set the parameter to “false” logs on with the selection “All”, a corresponding error message is displayed and the selection “All” is removed from the selection list, instead “Please select” appears there. The parameter can be set individually for each user and thus overrides the global parameter.


Parameter Values Default value
agent.newProcess.allowAllCategories true | false false
If true, the agent can chose all categories from his mandators in a new process – not only those he is allowed to see. It takes affect after the relogin of the agent.
agent.newProcess.autoSwitchCrm true | false  
In the personal inbox of the agent, the text “New process” is displayed in the info area to avoid confusion with incoming e-mails. If set to “true”, the CRM tab is automatically activated.
Create tickets even though quickcases and phone tickets were canceled.
agent.newProcess.phoneTicket.allowAttachments true | false false
Make attachments also available in the phone ticket.
agent.newProcess.phoneTicket.createAndSend true | false false
Make the “Send+Close” button available in the phone ticket.
Preset the call of the Call tab. Parameter are separated by ‘&’. Account is mandatory (without it you cannot create a phone ticket) and the mail address must exist as an incoming account in Supervisor.
agent.newProcess.quickCase true | false  
New process as “Quick case” (old display before version 7 can be reactivated).
agent.newProcess.quickCase.autoContinueSaved true | false  
Determines what the default behavior should be when the response editor is called externally with a ticket ID. If set true, the referenced closed ticket is reactivated and set back to the last saved intermediate state. If set false, a new ticket is prepared with every editor call, which only gets the same operation ID as the referenced ticket ID.
agent.newProcess.quickCase.createAndClose true | false true
Control the visibility of the button “Create+Close” for the New Process.
agent.newProcess.quickCase.createAndEnqueue true | false false
Shows a new button in the New Process “Create + Reroute”. New requests created with “Create+Reroute” are not preferentially distributed to the agent who created the ticket.
agent.newProcess.quickCase.createAndKeep true | false true
Control the visibility of the “Create+Edit” button in the New Process.
agent.newProcess.quickCase.createAndSend true | false false
Control the visibility of the “Create+Send” button in the New Process.
Preset the default parameters for a quick case. The individual parameters are listed one after another with an ampersand (&). The symbol ‘@’ must be replaced by ‘%40’.
agent.newProcess.quickCase.fullscreen true | false true
Control whether the left info area is immediately visible when opening a QuickCase, or only after clicking on the fullscreen button.
agent.newProcess.quickCase.maxCount number 1
Limitation of the maximum number of new processes/phone tickets open at the same time. Can be overridden at the agent. Note that preassigning a new process with the values of the previously processed process is not available when working on several processes in parallel. For this purpose, the value must be set to 1. Furthermore, no new phone ticket will open for an incoming call if an agent is already processing a new process and only one new process is possible at a time (since a telephone ticket is technically also a new process).


Parameter Values Default value
agent.notes.editMode append | edit | disabled | < empty> edit
Determines whether an agent is allowed to edit or add notes he has written himself. edit: Notes (Memos) can be edited / append: an existing note cannot be changed, you can only append additional text / disabled: notes (Tab Memos) not shown at all / <not set> or <empty>: an existing Note cannot be changed.
agent.notes.mark true | false false
Marks notes as read, if set true. Only in association with the “Unread notes” feature.
agent.notes.recent.days number of days 5
For the Unread Notes feature (display of an envelope for new notes on a ticket that the agent has already processed): Determines how many days are considered.
agent.notes.recent.max number of tickets 10
For the Unread Notes feature (display of an envelope for new notes on a ticket that the agent has already processed): Determines the maximum number of notes to be displayed.
agent.notes.recent.updateInterval number in milliseconds 60000
For the Unread Notes feature (display of an envelope for new notes on a ticket that the agent has already processed): Determines how often the system checks for new notes.
agent.notes.reversed true | false  
Configure the sorting of the notes. When set to true, the newest note will be shown on the top.


Parameter Values Default value
agent.pdf.changeFormFieldOnScroll true | false false
Activate automatic jumping to the next form field when scrolling in the PDF view (letter/ fax with PDF form).
agent.pdf.fontPath Path to Fonts  
Configure a different font directory for the Agent Desk.
agent.pdf.formField.allowSingleRowOverflow true | false true
Single-line form fields are checked for length by default. This behaviour can be changed (value “false”).
agent.pdf.formField.minHeight height of form field in px 18
Configure minimal height (pixels) for pdf form fields.
agent.pdf.hideReadOnlyPages true | false  
Hides pdf pages with only non-editable form fields in Agent editor (iMail4Letter)
agent.pdf.preview.update auto | focus | mannual | disabled auto
In the right part of the editor, a thumbnail of the PDF print preview can optionally be opened and (semi-)automatically updated.
The toolbar buttons of the TinyMCE editor for font and paragraph formatting in PDF are configurable. For concrete names and features see TinyMCE documentation. Samples values: fontselect,fontsizeselect,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,bullist,forecolor.
The toolbar buttons of the TinyMCE editor for font and paragraph formatting in PDF are configurable. For concrete names and features see TinyMCE documentation. Sample values: fontselect,fontsizeselect,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,bullist,forecolor,mImage,mToggleToolbar2,tablecontrols,indent,outdent,search,code.
agent.pdf.watermarkImage Path to Watermark image  
A watermark can be added to the PDF print preview to prevent local printing or to force the agent to trigger central printing via Send+Finish. To do this, a watermark image must be stored e.g. in the WebAgent plugin directory. The path must be specified either absolutely or relatively from the Tomcat directory. The path must be accessible from the slave process.


Parameter Values Default value
agent.placeholder.allowOverride true | false  
If set to true, verification whether the answer contains special text-patterns is activated. The varification is carried out before the ticket will be “Sent and Closed”.
agent.placeholder.message true | false  
Check the answer text content before sending+finish for special text patterns and warning message if necessary (only applies to Mail mode).


Parameter Values Default value
agent.som.allowLike true | false  
Enable the Like function for Facebook messages.
agent.som.allowRetweet true | false  
Enable Retweet on Twitter messages


Parameter Values Default value
agent.spellchecking.enableBrowserFeature true | false false
Enable the browser’s spellchecker for the editor. The use of the browser-internal spelling checker does not count as “spelling checker performed”. If a user or category has set the “spell check required” setting, iAGENT will still request a spell check even if the internal browser spell check is enabled. For the iAGENT system it cannot be determined whether the user has already done a spell check using the internal browser function or not. It is only checked in the standard language of the browser, not changeable per ticket.    
agent.spellchecking.language Language abbreviation according to ISO 639  
In addition to DE and EN, further configurable languages can be selected for the spelling correction of the answer text. You can also define country-specific languages (following the ISO 639) for the spell check.The parameter also determines the languages for the text modules. Example: agent.spellchecking.language = de, en, pt_BR
agent.spellchecking.maxChars number of characters 5000
Limit the amount of text to be checked (default 5000 characters)
The port for spell checking for the service on Windows installations.
agent.spellchecking.useMandatorDict true | false  
Activate tenant-specific dictionaries.


Parameter Values Default value
agent.textModules.groups.maxChars number  
Limit the length of text module group names.
agent.textModules.prefixDelimiter true | false  
This parameter can be used in order to hide the prefixes of textmodules and length limitation of textmodule group names. Just the part of the name after the delimiter symbol will be displayed in iAGENT Desk.
agent.textModules.scripting true | false true
Disable scripting
agent.textModules.separateMandators true | false  
The text module quick search and the list of categories for text modules allow filtering on the tenants of the current category. If set to ‘true’, filtering is performed on the tenant of the current category when using the text module quick search as well as the list of alternative categories for text modules.

agent div.

Parameter Values Default value String  
Replaces the start parameter imail.hideAgentNames for the anonymization of the agent names in the iAGENT DESK search. The chosen string will be shown as the agent’s name.
agent.auth.pause true | false true
The password request for the agent after returning from the pause can be globally deactivated. True: The agent must enter its password when returning from the break. False: The agent does not have to enter his password when returning from the break. number in minutes 60
The agent can set the validity period in minutes when granting the chat release (period of validity for chats).
agent.closeProcessTickets disabled | inbox | visible | all disabled
agent.crm.enabled true | false  
Specify whether the CRM is globally enabled in iAGENT Desk.
agent.dbMailProperties.allowCreateNewColumn true | false false
This parameter used to configure whether the agent can create new properties for a ticket via the CRM tab or not. The default value is set to false, so that the agent can only add properties to a ticket that already exist as columns in the database. NOTE: Value not set has the same effect as set true.
agent.dbPoolSize number,number,number,number  
The dbPoolSize can be optionally configured in the Routing.conf for the slave differently from the master. The first value represents the pool size of the workflow connection pool, the second value represents the pool size of the reporting connection pool, (the third value is currently not used) and the fourth value represents the pool size of the call connection pool.
agent.disable.maillinks true | false  
For security reasons, links – includings pictures with links – in the e-mail tab shall not be executed directly. Instead a message box appears displaying the link and asking if you want to open it. If you confirm, it is opened in a new window. Besides, all links have a red frame now. If agent.disable.maillinks = false, links are not highlighted with a red  frame and work on click.
agent.enable.edittime.mail true | false true
Enable / Disable the logging of Edittimes for Agenttasks.
agent.faq.url String  
URL that will be displayed in the Mail info frame (bottom left) on the new FAQ tab.
agent.fastload true | false  
Shorter startup procedure of the agent application server process with lower memory requirements (causes minor loss of performance during the first delivery of a ticket to an agent).
agent.focusOnNotification true | false | title | focus false
Automatically switch the focus to the browser window on an incoming chat. ‘title’ = Signaling is done by periodically changing the title (for example for FireFox). ‘focus’ or ‘true’ = The window is focussed, which, depending on the browser, causes the application in the taskbar to flash (for example in Internet Explorer).
agent.logo Path to image  
Specify a company logo for the header area of the novomind iAGENT Desk. GIFs and PNGs are suitable for this purpose and should have 50 pixels in height and 100 to 150 pixels in width. The formats GIF or PNG are recommended, because here the background can be made transparent. Value can be a file name (if image is located in the images directory of novomind iAGENT) or a relative or absulute path to the image. number of milliseconds  
Default value for the maximum length of resubmission in case of call forwarding. Over the specified time period, the call forwarding attempt is made to the selected agent. If the agent does not answer the call by the time it expires, the call is transferred to the “regular” routing of novomind iAGENT.
agent.notificationWithoutCTI true | false  
Signalling via calls in non-CTI mode
agent.phoneNumberPattern Regex string for valid phone numbers  
Allows to specify a specific regex pattern to check for valid numbers. Only numbers that match the expression can be entered.
agent.recategorizeAndCloseCategory String  
Configure drop down at Close button in Agent Editor with a comma separarated list of categories where possible to recategorize and close mail.
agent.restartRefresher true | false  
Cause the refresher to be restarted with each selection change in the frontend. If the key is missing, the refresher will not be restarted. This creates less network load. true | false  
Hide the CRM tab in the search result of the agent
agent.setNotReadyForCallOnNoAnswer true | false true
If the agent does not accept a signaling queued call and a failed queued call event (“RONA”) occurs as a result, the agent automatically switches to not ready for calls.
agent.showImageviewer true | false true
In the editor, the image viewer can also be activated for image attachments. The Image Viewer is opened as an inline popup. For performance reasons, problems with the TIF format are known.